Osteopathic clinics in Llanelli and Bridgend, South Wales
  Llanelli: 01554 755772
  Bridgend: 01656 646446

Osteopathic clinic testimonial

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Enfys Jones
North Pembrokeshire

Having suffered for 20+ years of problems with my neck, 3 Thoracic Outlet Decompression operations, numerous hospital appointments, physiotherapy sessions and up to 8 extra strong pain killers a day and being told there was nothing more they could do, I decided as a last resort to try Osteopathy. My husband had seen Ian previously about his low back condition and the results were truly amazing, I decided to give it a go.

I was a bit dubious at the start as I was unsure whether anything would help. Well, I say without reservation that the outcome of the treatment was very favourable, I was amazed to have experienced first hand how beneficial the soothing techniques worked to relieve pain. Within the first week less tablets were needed and I was able to sleep better. Waw! is all I can say. I continued to go weekly for a while improving all the time. Yes there were set backs at times but I came back to being better each time.

I now see Ian every 3 weeks and I can honestly say without him I wouldn’t function. He is amazing. If you want to be pain free, do not hesitate, go and see Ian, you will be truly amazed. I can honestly hand on heart say he has changed my life.

Enfys Jones
North Pembrokeshire

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