Osteopathic clinics in Llanelli and Bridgend, South Wales
  Llanelli: 01554 755772
  Bridgend: 01656 646446

Osteopathic clinic testimonial

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K.B. Das
Dermatologist, ABM UHB

I have been under Ian’s care for almost 10 years. It started with a problem with my lower back whilst playing tennis. I saw an orthopaedic consultant and even with the recommended traction and physiotherapy over a 3-4 month period, I was still in a lot of discomfort. The librarian in our hospital noticed my slight limp and discomfort and recommended seeing Ian Griffiths. She was under Ian’s care for her neck. A few weeks after seeing Ian, my back was considerably better. I have minor back problems from time to time, especially after long haul flights but I know I can rely on Ian sorting it out. Ian also has helped me considerably with my neck over the years.

My wife who is an obsessional gardener has problems with her neck and sees Ian as and when she gets into trouble.

I cannot but sincerely thank Ian for his help and care over the years and we can now enjoy our retirement and holidays without too many restrictions knowing Ian will sort it out if we get into trouble, as he always has.

I must also thank Pat and Michelle for their help with facilitating appointments as and when necessary.

K.B. Das
Dermatologist, ABM UHB

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